Markdown Syntax Guide

This document showcases all supported Markdown grammar commonly used in GitHub READMEs.

1. Headings

# Heading 1

## Heading 2

### Heading 3

#### Heading 4

##### Heading 5

###### Heading 6

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

2. Text Formatting

Bold and Italic

**_Bold and Italic_**

Bold and Italic

3. Lists

Unordered List

- Item 1
  - Sub-item 1
  - Sub-item 2
- Item 2
  • Item 1
    • Sub-item 1
    • Sub-item 2
  • Item 2

Ordered List

1. Item 1
2. Item 2
   1. Sub-item 1
   2. Sub-item 2
  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
    1. Sub-item 1
    2. Sub-item 2

4. Links

Basic Link

[Link text](

Link text

5. Images

![Alt text]( "Optional Title")

Alt text

6. Blockquotes

> Blockquote
> > Nested Blockquote


Nested Blockquote

7. Horizontal Rule


8. Advanced Markdown Extensions

Math Expressions

E = mc^2
E=mc2E = mc^2


This file showcases all supported Markdown syntax used in GitHub README files.